Newsletter #6
Treasure Hunt project has now come to an end! It has been a very intense 3 years during which the project consortium has worked hard.
The objective of TreasureHunt is to train agritourism entrepreneurs on developing skills and competences to innovate their business by connecting agriculture and tourism, two relevant sectors for EU economy.
The aim is to make agritourism an attractive business for young entrepreneurs in combination with other land-based businesses: increasing the interest for language learning among potential rural entrepreneurs by using interdisciplinary teaching methods and building a strong network for the exchange of good practices in agritourism.
The key objective is to list and prioritise the key competences the agricultural entrepreneurs should possess in order to be able to develop new tourist offers based on agriculture and the experiences done in agricultural world. It consists of a collection of topics that are connected from one side with specific skills and from the other with learning and training methodologies.
It offers e-learning modules and tools categorized by key competence: this kind of interactive contents will also aim to develop self-reflection skills and other self-development skills related to agritourism entrepreneurship in order to start a new business, upgrading plan and an additional learning path.
It is a set of guidelines and methodologies on how to deliver the training but also a collection of tools and topics/competences on which the training will focus, by using theoretical lessons, group workshops, practical experiences and personal coaching. Such mixed approach helps the agricultural entrepreneurs to grasp all aspects of the crossfertilization of agriculture and tourism and how to develop new tourist offers based on the experiences of rural life.
The partnership will produce an online training tool: the increasing mobility in tourism throughout Europe demands that all staff working with tourism are fluent in at least two languages. English is the most frequently used language in written and talking language and it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of English in order to travel and receive tourists from all over the world.
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Treasure Hunt project has now come to an end! It has been a very intense 3 years during which the project consortium has worked hard.
Gardening may reduce depressive symptoms through stress reduction, improved mood, and increased self-esteem.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.